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Viber Brings Voice Calls to Blackberry OS

Last year Viber which is a Skype competitor promised that they will be bringing voice calling feature to their blackberry app, they have just kept the promised and introduced VoIP with a free call support on blackberry OS 5 and OS 7. The service which uses both 3G and WiFi also brings in a few bug fixes in the current version, assuring a smooth VoIP experience.

Viber is a cross-platform app which is currently available in iOS, Windows phone 8, Bada, S40 and Symbian.

Although Viber works great on OS 5 and OS 7 it is not supported by Blackberry OS 6 due to inherent limitations of the operating system.

You can check it out to see more specifications and features on their website.

Download Viber v2.4 with voice calling

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    This is an official representative from Viber.

    Thank you for this article - we at Viber are just as excited as you are about our new beta release. We hope to release the official version very soon. :)

    We are here to receive feedback and questions directly from our users. Please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'd be happy to assist.

    Best regards,
    Viber Team


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