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How to earn 5-10 Dollars Per Day from Google Adsense and Youtube

Everyone needs an extra income, or at least 90% of the people need some, even those who have a full day job will at some point in their lives need some extra income. if you are already making money on the internet then good for you. But if you are not then this is an opportunity to learn exactly how you can make some extra cash from the internet while you sleep.

There are many online scams about making quick cash, well , unless you win a lottery there is no way you can make quick legit income and for a long period of time. Lets get down to business. in this tutorial i am going to show you how exactly you can make money on the internet for a long time using Youtube videos.

 Create a Gmail account 

Creating a Gmail account is very easy. if you already have one then thats great, if you don't just go over to www.gmail.com and create one after doing so head over to google profiles or google plus and upload your profile picture, this will show on all of your account associated with your google account.

Create Youtube account

After you are done with  your gmail account just head over to youtube and set up an account, all you will need here is  your gmail account. click here to go directly to sign up page.

Get an Adsense account

Getting an Adsense account can be both difficult and easy if you already have an Adsense account thats good but if you need one fast just go over to hubpages, sign up and write a few articles then apply for one. Then integrate the code in your videos.

Create content (Best part)

This is probably the easiest or the hardest part depending on the way you look at it. If your objective is to make money only i would suggest you do this: go over to youtube trends and look for the most watched videos and and keywords. For example if the current trend is "CHARLES RAMSEY" or "PUMPCAST NEWS"  look for a way to get the video either by recording it with your camera or a smartphone on the news or the TV program or record your own version of it.

Head over to Google trends and search for the keywords related to it. Type the keyword and select the current year for example mine is Charles Ramsey and the year is 2013. Then look for both Top Results and Rising results. in my case i will pick "Ramsey interview after the 911 call" both Ramsey and 911 call are on the top and rising on the trend. check the image below.

With this method you will at least get 3,000 views on each of your videos  in the first two weeks of uploading, upload at least a minimum of 20 videos before you add your Adsense code. This is enough to start making money with Adsense. If you keep on uploading at least 1 or 2 videos everyday using the above method after a month you will be making a minimum of $5 to $10 dollars daily, you will make more as you continue. If you want a good and consistent income don't use other programs that promise to increase your views.

For any questions please drop them in the comments

This is guest post by Amit Gwan

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