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How to change color scheme in outlook.com

If you have already switched to the new outlook.com you might want to spice it up a bit with a new color, by default outlook comes in blue and white, but there are variety of colors to choose from when you want to change the blue part of it. Here is how to do it.

Go to outlook.com and log in to your email account @hotmail @live @outlook or @msn and click on the settings icon.

From the drop menu that shows up you will see different colors, for now they are only limited to about twelve, which I think is still a huge variety to choose from.

Pass the mouse over the color tabs which will bring a preview of the different colors presented. Once you are satisfied with your color choice click on it to activate.

 While you are still on the settings menu you might want to change the positioning of the reading pane. That’s it for now, enjoy your new outlook!

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